What Is Yin Yoga?
So, we already know that Yin yoga is a long-hold, deep-stretch practice that effectively rejuvenates the joints and surrounding tissues of (mainly) the hips and low back.
It’s an ideal complement to more active, rhythmic, and repetitive endeavors — flow yoga, dance, martial arts, swimming, cycling, running, weight-lifting, and such — so Yin yoga is the real yoga for athletes.
Along with its respect for each student’s skeletal realities, Yin yoga’s magic resides in selectively stimulating fascia, ligaments, and the joints themselves through relaxation and postural stillness.
Yin yoga is considered a cool, quiet practice, but don’t confuse it with the visually similar Restorative yoga. While you certainly won’t sweat, Yin yoga isn’t so easy. There’s stress in the stillness. (This stress, by the way, is a good thing.)
And, what do you get for your regular Yin yoga efforts? In addition to physical ease of movement, and youthfulness at any age, you may just experience deeper mental and emotional calm, comfort, and serenity! Even higher consciousness is possible.
Should You Do Yin Yoga?
Well, if you use your body — and especially if you don’t — you’ll benefit tremendously by doing these slow, deep stretch classes.
So, if you are
- a yogi or non-yogi,
- an athlete or non-athlete,
- young, old, or in-between,
then YES, you should be doing Yin yoga!

Try it out, risk free!

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