

Correct | Incorrect No matter what kind of runner you are — elite, recreational, or novice — it’s a good bet you want to run farther, run faster, and run with less chance of injury. Or, just to run again with childlike joy and abandon. To these ends some think, for instance, that running success […]


Necessary | Unnecessary Mark Twain said, “Civilization is the limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities.” Shoe companies and health care providers have traditionally put forth that various levels of biomechanical shortcomings are the root cause of our locomotive problems. We are inherently flawed, the argument goes, and our only salvation is cleverly designed footwear. It’s no […]


Tension | Compression A basic forward fold is a posture I’ve been doing for years … decades, actually. It’s a simple, rather elemental shape within the human experience. Pretty much, everyone’s done it, for one reason or another. Some, as part of their yoga practice. Usually, any limitation of range within a forward fold is […]


Relaxation | Creep We already know that Yin is dark, cold, still, quiet, concealed, and receptive, and that Yang is bright, hot, active, loud, apparent, and assertive. And, it’s not really a stretch — pun intended — to consider body tissues in such context. So, dynamic muscle is Yang, and seemingly inert fascia is Yin. […]


Here | There September 22, 2023. On this day the Moon passes the local meridian of 180° due S at 7:01 pm Pacific time, just as Christopher’s Yin Yoga class is beginning, and ten minutes after the Sun has set. The Moon touches its light / shade equivalence at 12:09 pm. The next day, on […]


Tension | Compression Yoga is a lifestyle practice. A process delivering perhaps at some point, enlightenment, and positively providing a set of guidelines with which to harmoniously navigate the human experience spiritually, morally, mentally, and physically. The discipline leading to self-knowledge is the unity offered to the ancients, and to us. From my observations, most […]


Open | Closed What better day to do some “Earthing” than on the New Moon, under the Earth trigram? Within context of the Early Heaven Bagua — the Eight Changes — the Earth trigram represents the New Moon, and Yin, the receptive. It’s here and now that the seed of the Creative (Heaven) is planted. […]


Stretching | Stressing Stretching is a misnomer, but for lack of a better word for something that conveys the idea of pulling on tissues it’s sufficient, albeit inaccurate. Never mind that my second book is called, A Righteous Stretch — Yin Yoga: What It Is, How To Do It, And Why. The reality is that […]


In | Out It’s self-evident. These cycles we witness playing out over the course of each year — each month, each day, each breath — are indicative of life itself. Consider, as we approach the Summer Solstice, (June 21, 2022, in this case), where the Sun reaches its highest excursion of latitude (23.4° N) before […]


Work | Play On February 1, 2022, at the outset of the Spring Festival — otherwise known as the Chinese New Year — I released the Kindle edition of A Righteous Stretch. This, my second book, explores precisely what Yin yoga is, how to do it, and why you should. Six weeks later the print […]