Christopher Drozd
I’m just an average athlete with above average curiosity and a strong interest in fitness, for its own sake. That somehow turned into a career, because fitness has function.
My students include: competitive athletes, novice to elite; general exercisers from nine to ninety; and, Yin yogis from a much broader population than solely the yoga community. And for good reason.
You see, any 20 year-old trainer will kick your ass in the gym, but only a seasoned fitness advisor knows when to and when not to do that.
As a dedicated fitness professional since the mid-1980s, and as a Yin yogi since 2006, I bring to the training table experience and maturity.
And, even after these four decades, I’m as enthusiastic as ever about sharing my expertise with those committed to functionally improving their health, fitness, and sporting performance.
Let’s find your higher purpose and raise your fitness to that level!
As a Yogi
Christopher has been teaching Yin yoga, mostly of the Paul Grilley lineage, since 2006. As well, he’s RYT 200 certified in Hatha Yoga, has taught anatomy modules for yoga teacher trainings, and has led a 100 hour Yin yoga teacher training in Mysore, India (2020). And, this website provides weekly live-streaming Yin yoga, and an expansive On Demand video library of recorded classes.

Christopher began his fitness coaching career in the mid-1980s, and specializes in sport specific fitness. He coaches triathletes, marathoners, and general fitness enthusiasts, teaches Kung Fu San Soo self-defense, Oxygen Advantage breathing strategies, and Pose Method running technique.

Christopher’s Coaching Specialties
- Yin yoga classes, and teacher training workshops
- One-on-one & group strength and fitness training
- Triathlon and marathon progams for individuals and teams
- Pose Method running lessons and seminars
- Oxygen Advantage breath-control strategies
- Kung Fu San Soo self-defense and form lessons
Be Your Own Coach, or Guru
Christopher’s two books, A Righteous Stretch: Yin yoga — What It Is, How to Do It, and Why, and Fitness, Straight-Up — How to be a better athlete, or at least look like one, offer immediately usable insights and understandings from Christopher’s decades of professional fitness experience. Here’s all the esoterica you need to be your own best fitness coach or guru. Knowledge is power!