Awakening Your Yoga Practice

Yoga Yoga is a lifestyle practice. A process delivering perhaps at some point, enlightenment, and positively providing a set of guidelines with which to harmoniously navigate the human experience spiritually, morally, mentally, and physically. The discipline leading to self-knowledge is the unity offered to the ancients, and to us. From my observations, most practicing “yogis” […]


Stretching | Stressing Stretching is a misnomer, but for lack of a better word for something that conveys the idea of pulling on tissues it’s sufficient, albeit inaccurate. Never mind that my second book is called, A Righteous Stretch — Yin Yoga: What It Is, How To Do It, And Why. The reality is that […]


In | Out It’s self-evident. The natural cycles playing out over the course of each year, each month, each day are elements of life itself. The four seasons, a synodic lunation, day & night, and even our own breathing. And they’re reflective of each other. Consider the Summer Solstice, where the Sun reaches its highest […]


Lunar | Solar The Full Beaver Micro Moon occurs at 02:59:15 PST on November 8th, but at that moment it’s obscured by the Earth’s shadow. This lunar eclipse is notable due to its extended duration. That is, the event begins as the Moon passes into the penumbra, Earth’s wider shadow, at about 12:02:18. Then, what’s […]


Fifty | Fifty Just after noon (12:21 PDT) on September 22, 2021, the Autumnal Equinox occurs. At this cardinal point Summer officially becomes Fall. The Sun rises due East, sets due West, and traverses the sky directly above the Equator. Its axial tilt points neither at the Northern nor Southern hemisphere. Day and night across […]

Yin Yoga and the Fire Trigram

In General You’ll notice that my Yin yoga classes are organized around the synodic lunar cycle, and the Early Heaven Bagua. Each 29.5 day lunation includes eight specific phases of illumination. The varying illumination of the lunar surface reflects greater or lesser manifestations of Yin and Yang. The Bagua, or Eight Changes, provides a step […]